The 2011 All Stars: The 13 Must Read Finance Posts from the First Half of 2011

by RJ

in Random

BaseballOn average, I read 25 personal finance articles a day.

Being that we’re 192 days into that year, I estimate I’ve read 4,800 financial articles in 2011.

It’s also the All-Star Break in Major League Baseball. Which got me thinking, “What were the All-Star personal finance posts so far in 2011.”

Here they are. The 13(out of 4,800) must read financial posts from the first half of 2011.

Five Career Moves with Exceptional Returns via Get Rich Slowly

If you take 10 minutes a day to write a thank you note (handwritten), it will be one of the best 10 minutes you spend. Not only does it feel good to show gratitude, it benefits you as well.

As an example, a majority of the traffic on this site is due to sending a thank you note to another blogger about how an article of theirs helped me in some way.

Make a Total Financial Picture Spreadsheet via Bible Money Matters

Take 60 minutes and do this soon. Trust me.

An Uncommon but Brilliant Money Move for Young Couples via Matt About Money

This is the #1 mistake most couples make. I’ve never met a young mother who wants to drop their kid off at daycare and return to work. Yet, the decision to live on two incomes was that of their own doing. They just didn’t realize it at the time.

The 2-Step Trick to Getting a Sweet Ass Job Referrals via Humbled MBA

A great lesson here to not only job hunting but in every aspect of life. When asking someone for a favor, a connection, advice, etc…be specific. The more specific you are, the greater chance that whomever you’re talking to can help you get exactly what you want.

20 Personal Finances Practices that got me to a Place of Growing Prosperity via White Hot Truth

More important than modeling Danielle’s financial practices, although not a bad idea ,  is the fact that she worked on her relationship with money.

In the age of information, it’s easy to forget how powerful it is to find out on your own what works and what doesn’t.

Newton’s First Law of Personal Finance via Mrs. Nepsy’s World

For whatever reason, I find myself reading a lot about physics lately. For a while, I’ve had an idea for a post here titled, “What Physics Can Teach You About Personal Finance”. I’ve been amazed at how seamlessly the laws of physics apply to finance.

This is a great post, which I hope to soon follow up, describing a basic principle of physics and relating it to finance.

Future Financial Literacy is in the Hands of Parents via Canadian Finance Blog

I couldn’t agree more. Everyone is begging our school systems to give financial advice. That scares me.

Will more information actually matter? We teach health in our schools right now but the U.S. is one of unhealthiest countries in the world.

Craft the Life You Want: Creating a Blueprint for your Future via The Art of Manliness

I went through a similar process to this blueprint a few weeks ago.  Following, I’ve had greater focus and ease of taking action. It’s amazing how powerful defining what you really want is.

How to Get What You Really Want via The Art of Non-Conformity

Powerful! But yet simple. Read and then reread Chris’s 4 steps to get what you really want.

24 Quick Actions You Can Do That Can Change Your Life Forever via Man vs Debt

I wrote a similar post but Adam, as he usually does,  over-delivered. Not only does he give you 24 actions to take today, he gives immediate next action steps. Well done!

My $100,000 bet on Chris Rock via I Will Teach You To Be Rich

Ramit gives a great example of “going all in.” If I were the one giving away the scholarship, I would have done the same.

Our Financial Plan for the Next 10 Years via The Simple Dollar

Trent, one of my favorite PF bloggers, give an excellent blueprint for his long-range goals. What I really enjoy is that it’s nothing complicated. Just a simple outline of what he really wants in the future and how he’s going to get it. Something 99% of people don’t have.

How to Improve Your Financial Decision Making via Gen Y Wealth

I’m proud of this post I wrote (and I’m not afraid of a little self promotion). It’s amazing some how some of these small steps can have a dramatic impact on your financial decision making.

Photo by: celyn-cruz

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{ 3 comments… read them below or add one }

PeterNo Gravatar July 13, 2011 at 8:30 am

Thanks for including my post in the top 13! Appreciated!


RJNo Gravatar July 13, 2011 at 9:54 am

No problem Peter. Your post deserved it.


Tom DrakeNo Gravatar July 15, 2011 at 12:29 am

Thanks for including our post as an all star!


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