52 Questions That Can Make You Rich

May 6, 2011

The brain naturally enjoys and is good at answering questions. Just one question, will help you see something that you never saw before. The purpose of this post was to devise a list of 52 questions, one for each week of the year. Once a week take 20 minutes to see what your brain comes [...]

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Two Reasons Not Save for Retirement in Your 20’s

May 4, 2011

I’m  asked frequently about alternative options to investing in the stock market. To many surprises, I explain that not everyone in their 20’s is meant to invest in the stock market. At first, this shocks most people. The usual response is, “Aren’t you a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER®?  Don’t you know the power of compound interest?” [...]

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The Secret to Break, Change, or Form a Habit Instantly

May 2, 2011

It doesn’t take 21 days to break, change, or form a new habit. Forming a new habit can be done instantly. The secret is to instantly break, change, or form a habit is triggers. Triggers are stimuli that tell your brain it’s time to perform a habit. For example, when you wake up, you brush [...]

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Your Turn | Disassociating Experience and Money

April 29, 2011

There is one [movie line] that stands out for me. It comes from Oliver Stone’s Wall Street, when the Charlie Sheen character — a promising big shot in the stock market — is telling his girlfriend about his dreams. “I think if I can make a bundle of cash before I’m thirty and get out [...]

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How to Convert a 401(k) to Traditional or Roth IRA

April 27, 2011

60% of workers in their 20’s fail to convert their 401(k) to an IRA when leaving or changing jobs. Thus, creating an unnecessary taxable event. Besides Packers+win, I can’t think of a combination of words I least like hearing in the same sentence than unnecessary+taxable. The purpose of this post is to explain your options [...]

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