My No Dept Pledge

July 29, 2009

My wife and I despise debt. We agreed that our current home will the last debt of our life. If we can’t afford something, we will not buy it. This is a personal choice and not a calculated financial choice. I see both advantages and disadvantages of being debt free. Many people have achieved extraordinary [...]

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Roth IRA Laws, Limits, and Eligibility

July 27, 2009

When I explain to anyone older than me that I want to be a financial planner for those in their teens and 20′s, I get a common response, “I wish I had started investing at that age.” Today, the Internet makes it easy for anyone to start. In under an hour, you can have an [...]

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Roth IRA Investments | Roth IRA Series | Part 2

July 24, 2009

Invest $5,000 a year at 18 in a Roth IRA, with a 10% return; you will have accumulated $7,757,361 at the age of 70. If you had waited to the age of 25, you would have only $3,953,977. Next, assume you start at 18 and contribute $5,000 a year and earn 11%. At the age [...]

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IRA Part # 1 | What is a Roth IRA | Difference Roth and Traditional | Advantages of Going Roth

July 22, 2009

Looking for an easy way to become a millionaire? Our generation has things pretty easy. Our parents grew up thinking that their employer and their government would take care of them in retirement. The only vehicles for tax-deferred retirement savings were expensive annuities and life insurance contracts. We’re very fortunate.  Instead of living years under [...]

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Accountability | Start Building Wealth By Being Accountable

July 17, 2009

“Some favorite expressions of small children: “It’s not my fault. . . They made me do it. . . I forgot.”  Some favorite expressions of adults: “It’s not my job. . . No one told me. . . It couldn’t be helped.”  True freedom begins and ends with personal accountability.” – Dan Zadra “No snowflake [...]

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