Cash Only Update / Site Update / Weekend Reading

February 12, 2010

Still not a lot of news on switching to cash only  for the month of February. The more I think about switching to cash, the more I realize that  I need longer than the shortest month of the year to see the advantages and disadvantages. As of right now, I’m thinking about extending going cash [...]

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Roth IRA Contribution Deadline for 2009

February 10, 2010

Good news! The Roth IRA contribution deadline for 2009 hasn’t passed. You’re allowed to contribute towards the 2009 limit, which is $5,000 for us Gen Y’ers, until you file your taxes or April 15, 2010. Why Is This Deadline Important? A Roth IRA, is an investors best friend. You put money in after tax, and [...]

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5 Aesop Fables | 5 Lessons In Personal Finance

February 8, 2010

There are no hidden meanings behind an Aesop’s fable. The moral of each story is so easy to comprehend, that they are commonly used to teach children life lessons. However, Aesop didn’t write these fables 2,600 years ago for just children, he wrote them for everyone.  The young and the old, the rich and the [...]

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Cash Only Update / Weekend Reading

February 6, 2010

No news is good news on the cash only update. Due to going grocery shopping on Sunday the 31st, we haven’t visited the grocery store yet this month. Our entertainment budget so far for February is $0. The only thing we changed is we got a few documentaries from the library, instead of going to [...]

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Video | Pay Off Debt or Invest?

February 5, 2010

This is a video I just posted on the GenYwealth’s YouTube channel. The video discuss a reader question from Twitter regarding whether it’s better to invest or pay off debt? I’m new to this video thing. If you have any constructive critcism for me, please leave it in the comments. Thanks and have a great [...]

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