Using Your Roth IRA As An Emergency Fund

May 3, 2010

This post goes against 90% of conventional personal finance advice. The purpose or publishing this post is to start a discussion, so please comment if you have a chance. I’m not saying I’m right or wrong, but it’s a discussion worth having. The general rule of asset location  is to let retirement accounts be for [...]

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Make Yourself Uncomfortable

April 29, 2010

Before my knees gave out on me last year, I was training to run a half marathon. If you have never trained for a marathon before, it’s fairly simple. You have three runs a week, two short and one long. The short runs are for maintenance. The purpose of the long run is for you [...]

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How to Change Your Bad Financial Habits | Switch Review

April 27, 2010

I like to judge a book on the ideas that come from it. Chip and Dan Heath’s recently released book Switch, is filled with ideas to improve Gen Y Wealth and my life. The book is all about making change when change is hard. The changes can be as simple as getting up earlier or [...]

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25 Ways You Can Improve Your Finances Now

April 26, 2010

There is no way to get rich quick, but there are small actions today that can make you get rich faster. All the below tasks to improve your finances take no longer than one hour. The majority can be done in the next ten minutes. The goal is to get the ball rolling. You can [...]

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67 Recipes to Save Your Planet and Your Money

April 22, 2010

Happy earth day! From what I know, the #1 one way you can help reduce your impact on the earth is to reduce your meat consumption. For years now, I have been collecting vegetarian or vegan recipes online mostly through Delicous, a social bookmarking site. Today seemed like the perfect day to share my favorites [...]

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