The # 1 Way to Simplify Your Finances

August 13, 2010

What’s the # 1 way to simplify your finances? Spend Less! Sorry to disappoint you, if you were expecting a way of paying your bills automatically or a tip to streamline your budget. But to borrow a phrase from William of Ockham, “The simplest explanation, is usually the best.” So how do you start spending [...]

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Why Bother Creating a Budget?

August 11, 2010

One of my bad habits, is to check traffic statistics for Gen Y Wealth on a daily basis. Why might seeing how the site’s traffic is doing be a had habit? Because I don’t do anything with this information.I don’t study the data like I should. All I do is look at my visitors from [...]

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Gen Y Wealth Monthly Report – July 2010

August 9, 2010

There are a few reason why I choose to share a personal, financial, and business updates every month.. First, I get to measure my success. Second, I hold myself accountable for my finances. Third, I share with you goals that I set for myself next month. I would recommend doing something similar in your life. [...]

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Essential Tips to Succeed in Your New Job

August 6, 2010

This is a guest post by William Eve. Starting a new job can be a daunting and nerve racking prospect for many. Will you fit in? Will you enjoy the job? Will you be able to perform to a good standard? These are all questions, and concerns we all have when we are about to [...]

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Building Your Self Discipline

August 4, 2010

In what has become an often quoted study, Dr. Roy Baumeister of Florida St. University, turned what we thought about self-discipline upside down. His research showed that self-discipline is actually more like a muscle then a behavior. Meaning that you can actually build your self-discipline, with the proper training. More importantly, just like a muscle, [...]

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