5 Frugal Benefits of Living with Your Significant Other

September 13, 2010

The following is a guest post by Alban. Alban is a personal finance writer at Home Loan Finder, where he helps people to compare home loans Anecdotal evidence often seems to suggest that being in a couple is more expensive than being single; there are the gifts, the dinners the drinks, the outfits bought to [...]

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How to Learn More and Study Less

September 10, 2010

I don’t know how, I arrived but one day I stumbled across ScottHYoung.com. I’m very glad I did because  Scott Young’s website helped me pass the most important examination (Certified Financial Planner®) of my life. I didn’t realize it at the time, but I was going about learning the wrong way. College ingrained a lot [...]

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4 Ways to Earn More Money in 30 Days or Less

September 8, 2010

What comes to mind, when you think of ways to earn more money? Do you think of taking on an extra job or starting a business out of your home? Or, do you think of selling your stuff on eBay or Cragslist? Forget about creating new sources of income for now. Why? Because the first [...]

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Gen Y Wealth Monthly Review – August 2010

September 6, 2010

There are a few reason why I choose to share a personal, financial, and business updates every month.. First, I get to measure my success. Second, I hold myself accountable for my finances. Third, I share with you goals that I set for myself next month. I would recommend doing something similar in your life. [...]

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How to Make Money and Happiness in One Day

September 3, 2010

There’s no better feeling than taking a bag of clothes to Goodwill, dropping it off, and never worrying about it again. Why is it, that getting rid of stuff (clothes, toys, books, blankets) feels so good? Is it because I know my useless junk, can go to someone who really needs it? In my case, [...]

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