The Often Forgotten Art of Buying Used and Selling Used

October 29, 2010

If you’re a smart buyer, one of the factors that go into your car purchase is resale value. Your goal is not only to buy a car for a good price today, but  a car that has value, years down the road (pun intended). Sounds smart, right? That’s because it is. Paying attention to what [...]

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5 Unconventional Ideas That Really Shouldn’t Be

October 27, 2010

“People are always blaming their circumstances for what they are. I don’t believe in circumstances. The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for the circumstances they want, and if they can’t find them, make them.” – George Bernard Shaw It was a conversation, that stays with [...]

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The Difference: Achieving Your Goals vs. Failure

October 25, 2010

Let me know if the path I was on sounds familiar. I would set a big goal. Typically, sparked by something I read. For a few days, I had all the motivation in the world. Around day five, negative thoughts start to creep in. Thoughts such as, this is too hard, why am I doing [...]

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Weekend Reading – Admitting Mistakes

October 23, 2010

I thought this weeks series of a fake conversation between myself and Rocky Balboa was good stuff. I laughed while writing. Turned out I was the only one. Traffic was down for the week. Only a few % of people were reading this series from their RSS readers. Not exactly what I expected. I actually [...]

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Financial Planning with Rocky IV

October 21, 2010

This is the fourth of a series of five posts that will last through this week. This series will teach you the fundamentals of financial planning, through a fake conversation, I, as a financial planner, have with my client, (and childhood hero) Rocky Balboa. The goal of each post, is for you to learn a [...]

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