Finances for Couples | A Guide to Starting Off Right

November 17, 2010

It took two hours to realize living with a girl was not like anything I had ever experienced. I think it was the purple loofah that I unpacked that caused this realization. Other than the array of different shower products at my disposal, one of the biggest changes was financially. Unfortunately, we never really talked [...]

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Diversifying Your Identity | How Not to Let a Bad Financial Situation Ruin Your Life

November 15, 2010

One concept that every successful investor has followed is diversification. The benefits of owning a diversified portfolio is best explained by the old adage, “Don’t put all your eggs in one basket.” There are many examples as to how diversification has benefited individual investors. A recent one that comes to mind is the tech bubble [...]

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Weekend Reading | Greed is Bad Edition

November 13, 2010

A group of guys I know get together and play basketball in the mornings. Each week, they put in $1 on Wednesday to buy lotto tickets for the group. Then on Friday morning, one guy stops at a gas station and buys lotto tickets for everyone to scratch off after they’re done playing. If one [...]

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The Big Decision of Open Enrollment: What Health Insurance Plan is Best for Me?

November 12, 2010

This post covers a lot of ground on a variety of health insurance related topics. The first half discusses how to maximize your benefits during your enrollment period. I have been in the health insurance industry, working for the family insurance business, since coming out of college. Going to enrollment meetings, it never surprises me [...]

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8 Blogs That Every Member of Gen Y Needs to Read, Reread, and Act Upon

November 10, 2010

My original intentions with this post was to write an always popular link post. The title was, “25 Blogs that Every Member of Gen Y Should Read.” Link posts always bring in a lot of traffic. A lot of it has to do with the law of reciprocity. I link to bloggers, they link back [...]

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