Weekend Reading | Some Good News Edition

December 18, 2010

After over three years of hard work, I can finally call myself a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER® certificant. Being able to use the  CFP® marks, is one of the greatest accomplishments I have had in my short career. The process wasn’t easy. I had to pass six advanced courses in financial planning,  insurance, investments, estate planning, taxes, [...]

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The Surprising Truth about Owning Your Own Home

December 17, 2010

I bought my first house in April of 2009. This house can potentially be the greatest investment of my life. This same house can potentially be the worst investment of my life. My Situation Two weeks before I was set to get married, I was handed the keys to my first house. At the time [...]

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Ultimate Transparency: 24 Things I Have Never Told You (or, how I no longer plan to write anything I don’t want to)

December 15, 2010

As I do every morning, I sat in front of a blank word document. My plan was to write a post titled, “10 Cheap Christmas Gifts That Don’t Make you seem Like a Tightwad.” My intentions were good. The post was timely, so it could have helped a few people out. However, something just didn’t [...]

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Can You Work Until You Die? (Hopefully, a Reality Check for Some)

December 13, 2010

Something has really been bothering me. I have heard many young adults say something along the lines of, “Retirement sounds so boring. I love my work. I don’t ever want to retire. I will work to the day I die.  I have no need to save for retirement.” I don’t know where this idea first [...]

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20 Financial Milestones You Want to Reach in Your 20′s

December 10, 2010

The journey from your first paycheck to the time you reach thirty, is the most important time of your life for accumulating wealth. Wouldn’t it be great if there were defined financial milestones, to make sure you’re on the right path? From my experience, there are. I have noticed 20 different milestones those who are on the [...]

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