11 Resources to Help You Learn Anything, Travel the World, and Make More Money

April 4, 2011

From my days in AOL Chat rooms with a 56K modem , I’ve spent a lot of time online. Below are my favorite resources to learn anything, travel the world, and make more money that I’ve found. Enjoy! If you I’ve led you to anything new, do you mind taking a second and Tweeting this [...]

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Weekend Reading – Opening Day

April 2, 2011

I was born and raised a Cubs fan. I didn’t choose to be. And that’s all I have to say about baseball and opening day. On to some good reads from the past week. Good Reads from the Past Week Questions for New Investors via Oblivious Investor The Internship as Inside Track via NY Times [...]

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An Unconventional Alternative to Destroying the Planet

April 1, 2011

According to Toilet Paper Encyclopedia, the average person uses 8.6 sheets per trip – a total of 57 sheets per day. That’s an annual total of 20,805 sheets. Over a lifetime of 76 years, that’s 1,581,180 sheets of toilet paper the average person goes through! As you can expect, this isn’t good for the environment. [...]

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How to Practice Making Money

March 30, 2011

For two years now, I’ve been writing every day. At first, I was horrible. I’m not ashamed to admit that. You can look back at my first couple posts, if you need evidence. I like to think though, I have improved. With practice, my editing became better, I started to have clearer thoughts, and I [...]

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11 Investing Terms You Need to Know

March 28, 2011

“Looking over this year’s prospectus I see that the fund manager believes in the strong-from of the efficient market hypothesis. The prospectus states that this fund has a turnover ratio of just 4% and is 80% weighted in stocks, 20% which are diversified internationally. What I really like about this fund is the expense ratio [...]

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