September was a great month. The Bears are 2-1. Milton Bradley hopefully played his last game as a Chicago Cub, and continued to grow.
Each month I perform a monthly review, to let you know where the site is headed and a little more about me personally.
First, in case you missed them, here are a few of my favorite posts from September:
- My Investment Philosophy
- Leveraging Assets without Debt
- How To Dollar Cost Average
- Short Term Investing Part 1 and Short Term Investing Part 2
September Goals
- Pass the Estate Planning Portion for my CFP curriculum-
- Reach 100 visitors a day on GenYwealth – High was 45
- Update site design with Thesis Theme and get a logo from 99 Designs
- Have a complete outline and 15,000 words written for an ebook
- Complete 2 projects on the house that will save us money in the winter – Only completed 1
September was pretty busy, but which month isn’t? I started studying for the final phase of the Certified Financial Planner exam in November. I managed to put in a minimum of 3 hours Monday-Saturday throughout the whole month. October, I just need to be more focused. Concentrating only on tasks that are the most essential. Here are my goals for October:
October Goals
- Study a minimum of 3 hours a day, Monday through Friday, for the CFP
- Reach 100 Visitors a Day on
- Get Two Guest Posts Published
- 500 Visitors on Twitter
- 10,000 words on ebook
What I Read
The Difference between where you are today and where you’ll be five years from now will be found in the quality of books you’ve read” – Jim Rohn
I couldn’t agree more with what Jim Rohn’s quote.Here are the books I have read or listened to in the month of September – followed by a brief review.
- Work The System – Loved this book. The audio and PDF version are available free at the website. The book is primarily a business book, but can be applied to all areas of life. Would recommend to anyone who has “never had enough time.”
- How To Stop Worrying And Start Living – Dale Carnegie has written more than one classic. The reason I read this book is because I’m working on a similar eBook for the newsletter subscribers of I’m a firm believer that in order to grow your wealth, you need to stop worrying about it. This old, but great book gave me a lot of ideas to incorporate into my own book.
- Secrets of Social Media Marketing
– A good introduction on Social Media Marketing. Not highly recommended for the individual. However, if you’re into corporate blogging, the book would be useful.
- Eating Well For Optimum Health – I like my health advice like my investment advice – give me whatever plan gives me the highest chance of succeeding. My wife is a registered dietician, which makes reading about food more interesting because there is plenty to talk about. I haven’t read to many books on health, but this was a great book in my opinion.
Net Worth/Net Wealth Review
- Net Worth + 3.44%
- Net Wealth + 3.45%
Passive Income Business
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